
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 497497.450Preneed sales; chapter exclusive; applicability of other laws. 497.451Insurance business not authorized. 497.453Application for preneed license, procedures and criteria; renewal; reports. 497.454Approval of preneed contract and related forms. 497.456Preneed Funeral Contract Consumer Protection Trust Fund. 497.457Ownership of proceeds received on contracts. 497.458Disposition of proceeds received on contracts. 497.459Cancellation of, or default on, preneed contracts; required notice. 497.460Payment of funds upon death of named beneficiary. 497.462Other alternatives to deposits under s. 497.458. 497.463Existing merchandise trust funds; proof of compliance with law. 497.464Alternative preneed contracts. 497.465Inactive, surrendered, and revoked preneed licensees. 497.466Preneed sales agents, license required; application procedures and criteria; appointment of agents; responsibility of preneed licensee. 497.467Acceptability of funeral and burial merchandise. 497.468Disclosure of information to the public. 497.469Fulfillment of preneed contracts.