
The Florida Statutes
The 2023 Florida Statutes (including Special Session C)

CHAPTER 256256.01Flag of United States to be displayed. 256.011Display of flag on election day. 256.015Display of state flag; protocol. 256.02Certain officers to provide flag. 256.031Department of State custodian of state flag. 256.032Display of state flag at public schools. 256.041Purchase of United States flag or state flag for public use. 256.05Improper use of state or United States flag, or other symbol of authority. 256.051Improper use or mutilation of state or Confederate flag or emblem prohibited. 256.06Mutilation or disrespect of state or United States flag. 256.10Mutilation of or disrespect for Confederate flags or replicas. 256.11Public auditoriums; display of the United States flag. 256.12Display of POW-MIA flags. 256.13POW-MIA flag; display at rest areas. 256.14POW-MIA flag; display at state parks. 256.15Firefighter Memorial Flag. 256.16Honor and Remember flag.