
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 373PART II PERMITTING OF CONSUMPTIVE USES OF WATER 373.206Artesian wells; flow regulated. 373.209Artesian wells; penalties for violation. 373.213Certain artesian wells exempt. 373.216Implementation of program for regulating the consumptive use of water. 373.217Superseded laws and regulations. 373.2235Effect of prior land acquisition on consumptive use permitting. 373.227Water conservation; legislative findings and intent; objectives; comprehensive statewide water conservation program requirements. 373.228Landscape irrigation design. 373.2295Interdistrict transfers of groundwater. 373.22951Validation of prior agreements between water management districts. 373.236Duration of permits; compliance reports. 373.239Modification and renewal of permit terms. 373.246Declaration of water shortage or emergency. 373.249Existing regulatory districts preserved.