Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #219FY0102

How Truth Works












Michael Rideman


How Truth Works, inc.











Project Title:

How Truth Works

Date Submitted:

1/8/2002 4:51:10 PM












Kenneth Gottlieb











Statewide Interest:








Provides "at-risk" youth with a chance to lessen conflicts and increase life skills.












How Truth Works



Michael Rideman



2742 Monte Video Avenue


Contact Phone:

(954) 989-2595




Cooper City 33026




























Gov't Entity:


Private Organization (Profit/Not for Profit):













Project Description:








"How Truth Works" is a profile of how Truth, Acceptance and Forgiveness work.  Truth, Acceptance, and Forgiveness are utilized as tools to assist with learning skills, social skills, and conflict resolution.  The objectives are as follows:


1.  To share the benefits of "How Truth Works" in our educational system (public and private), in drug rehabilitation programs, as well as in other community and civic programs, including law enforcement (local, state and national levels), and to develop an educational course to teach learning and behavioral management tools of "How Truth Works."  This course could be character education course, required or an elective.  It also could be integrated into or made part of any regular learning curriculum.


In addition to the character education component included to enhance "How Truth Works," a discretionary program entitled "SET-TV."


Student Experimental Television (SET-TV) is an experiential discretionary program developed to address a diverse array of adolescent/teen/youth issues.  The program is modeled as a diversionary tool, primarily for the at-risk population. 


As the program is a theraputic and culturally sensitive tool comprised of highly trained experts, the program is structured to provide inspiration and motivation to replace character traits and behavior promulgated by negative forces with positives.


In addition to the vocational module that constitutes a large portion of the nucleus of SET-TV, there is also a recreational module that is a specialized martial arts program called "Chang Chang Byan De Shou Fat."  The English translation of the name of this martial art is "The System of Ever-Changing Hands."  Its objective is to achieve mind and body unity, a polishing of the spirit, and a  practical means of self-defense.  One of the distinguishing characteristics of this art is the harmonious blending of different martial arts styles for tactical advantage.


"How Truth Works" marketable Components:


a.  The training and teaching component is based on an average fee per day.


b.  There is a component for the development & production of the curriculum materials.


c.  There is also a component for the production of the educational tapes to be utilized for the curriculum.











Measurable Outcome Anticipated:






To increase character and learning and social skills, lessen conflicts, and address adolescent/teen/youth issues for at-risk children.











Amount requested from the State for this project this year:












Identify items(s) in the FY 2002-03 Appropriations Bill to be reduced:














Specific Appropriation #:


















Specific Appropriation Title:

Department of Corrections:  Executive Direction and Support Services, Expenses: General Revenue











Amount to be reduced:















Total cost of the project:
















Request has been made to fund:















What type of match exists for this project?













Was this project previously funded by the State?














Is future-year funding likely to be requested?














Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?














Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget?













Is there a documented need for this project?














Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?




Hearing Body:

Broward County Legislative Delegation


Meeting Date:
