Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #1027FY0102

Florida Green Building Program












Rob Vieira


FL Solar Energy Center/UCF











Project Title:

Florida Green Building Program

Date Submitted:

1/16/2002 5:20:34 PM












Ed Jennings











Statewide Interest:








FGBP hopes to certify 50 green homes, five green commercial buildings, five green land developments and two green municipalities. The environmental benefits include: 15,000 MBTU of direct energy use avoided via conservation measures and use of renewal energy technology. 50 million gallons of water saved. 45,000 pounds of construction waste avoided via use of reused, recycled and use of efficient building materials. 100 acres of land from construction that will be preserved as wildlife habitat. 15,000 automobile miles avoided. 4,000 tons of CO2, 35,000 lbs of SO2, and 17,000 lbs of NOx from being released into the atmosphere.












FL Green Building Coalition, Inc. (FGBC)



Rob Vieira



145 Wekiva Springs RD, 187


Contact Phone:

(321) 638-1404




Longwood 32779




























Gov't Entity:


Private Organization (Profit/Not for Profit):













Project Description:








Florida consumes 30,000 acres of land a year for development, builds about 50 million square feet of non-residential space, and 127,000 homes per year. Meanwhile, water management districts, the DEP, DOT, and Flroida utilities spend large sums of money trying to improve the operations and reduce the pollution of the developments/buildings after the fact. This project is to fund green building standard development and education dissemination so that there will be recognized state exemplary, voluntary goals established for homes, commercial buildings, developments and city and county governments. The standards will allow a recognized benchmark to serve for voluntary programs established by local and state agencies. Green building refers to the process of designing, constructing and operating developments and buildings to minimize harm to the environment and sustain natural resources for the long term economic benefit of Floridians. This funding will help the development of standards, provide information about programs, and facilitate discussions regarding new incentives that may become available for those meeting the voluntary green standards.











Measurable Outcome Anticipated:






Working with Florida's building and development industry, plus local and state governmental agencies, FGBC will develop 4 sets of voluntary Green Building Standards for Florida: homes, commercial buildings, developments/communities and municipalities. The use of these stardards will result in major saving in the energy and water usage, promote a healthier living and working environment, and provide more affordable operations to Florida residents and businesses. To insure successful implementation, FGBC will develop training and certification programs and procedures to support each of the four standards.











Amount requested from the State for this project this year:












Identify items(s) in the FY 2002-03 Appropriations Bill to be reduced:














Specific Appropriation #:


















Specific Appropriation Title:












Amount to be reduced:















Total cost of the project:
















Request has been made to fund:















What type of match exists for this project?

Private, Federal



Cash Amount:















Was this project previously funded by the State?














Is future-year funding likely to be requested?














Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?














Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget?













Is there a documented need for this project?






DEP Water Conservation Strategies, Florida Energy Office, APA & DCA documents











Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?
