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Amendment CaShTmL-491708.HTM
    Florida Senate - 2007            PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE
    Bill No. CS for SB 560
                        Barcode 491708   Comm: RCS  04/17/2007 01:03 PM       
    Proposed Committee Substitute by the Committee on Finance and
 1                      A bill to be entitled
 2         An act relating to local governments; amending
 3         s. 73.071, F.S.; requiring that the value of
 4         the expected future tax benefits for homestead
 5         property be compensated for in an eminent
 6         domain taking; creating s. 73.0725, F.S.;
 7         requiring the condemning authority in an
 8         eminent domain taking to determine the present
 9         value of the expected future tax benefit for
10         homestead property; amending s. 193.011, F.S.;
11         clarifying the standard for determining highest
12         and best use for purposes of deriving the just
13         value of property; amending s. 195.052, F.S.;
14         specifying data to be used for tabulating
15         property value and taxation including
16         information concerning ad valorem taxes and
17         millage rates; requiring that such data be
18         reported to the Department of Revenue for
19         publication on the department's website and all
20         property appraiser websites, if available;
21         amending s. 200.069, F.S.; requiring that the
22         notice of proposed property taxes mailed to
23         taxpayers include the county government's
24         official website address; requiring the
25         electronic reporting of local government
26         revenue and expenditure data; requiring the
27         reporting of local government budgets;
28         requiring the electronic reporting of local
29         government contracts; providing for a study by
30         legislative staff and a report; providing an
31         appropriation; providing an effective date.
    12:29 PM   04/12/07                          s0560c1p-ft00-c03

Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 2 3 Section 1. Subsection (3) of section 73.071, Florida 4 Statutes, is amended to read: 5 73.071 Jury trial; compensation; severance damages; 6 business damages.-- 7 (3) The jury shall determine solely the amount of 8 compensation to be paid, which compensation shall include: 9 (a) The value of the property sought to be 10 appropriated; 11 (b) Where less than the entire property is sought to 12 be appropriated, any damages to the remainder caused by the 13 taking, including, when the action is by the Department of 14 Transportation, county, municipality, board, district or other 15 public body for the condemnation of a right-of-way, and the 16 effect of the taking of the property involved may damage or 17 destroy an established business of more than 4 years' standing 18 before January 1, 2005, or the effect of the taking of the 19 property involved may damage or destroy an established 20 business of more than 5 years' standing on or after January 1, 21 2005, owned by the party whose lands are being so taken, 22 located upon adjoining lands owned or held by such party, the 23 probable damages to such business which the denial of the use 24 of the property so taken may reasonably cause; and any person 25 claiming the right to recover such special damages shall set 26 forth in his or her written defenses the nature and extent of 27 such damages; and 28 (c) Where the appropriation is of property upon which 29 a mobile home, other than a travel trailer as defined in s. 30 320.01, is located, whether or not the owner of the mobile 31 home is an owner or lessee of the property involved, and the 2 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 effect of the taking of the property involved requires the 2 relocation of such mobile home, the reasonable removal or 3 relocation expenses incurred by such mobile home owner, not to 4 exceed the replacement value of such mobile home. The 5 compensation paid to a mobile home owner under this paragraph 6 shall preclude an award to a mobile home park owner for such 7 expenses of removal or relocation. Any mobile home owner 8 claiming the right to such removal or relocation expenses 9 shall set forth in his or her written defenses the nature and 10 extent of such expenses. This paragraph does shall not apply 11 to any governmental authority exercising its power of eminent 12 domain when reasonable removal or relocation expenses are must 13 be paid to mobile home owners under other provisions of law or 14 agency rule applicable to such exercise of power; and. 15 (d) Where the appropriation is of homestead property, 16 the present value of the expected future tax benefits of the 17 property as provided under s. 4(c), Art. VII of the State 18 Constitution. 19 Section 2. Section 73.0725, Florida Statutes, is 20 created to read: 21 73.0725 When homestead property is appropriated under 22 this chapter, the condemning authority shall separately 23 determine the present value of the expected future tax 24 benefits provided under s. 4(c), Art. VII of the State 25 Constitution. 26 Section 3. Section 193.011, Florida Statutes, is 27 amended to read: 28 193.011 Factors to consider in deriving just 29 valuation.--In arriving at just valuation as required under s. 30 4, Art. VII of the State Constitution, the property appraiser 31 shall consider take into consideration the following factors: 3 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 (1) The present cash value of the property, which is 2 the amount a willing purchaser would pay a willing seller, 3 exclusive of reasonable fees and costs of purchase, in cash or 4 the immediate equivalent thereof in a transaction at arm's 5 length; 6 (2) The highest and best use to which the property can 7 be expected to be put in the immediate future which is 8 reasonably probable, physically possible, and legally 9 permissible as well as financially feasible and maximally 10 productive, and the present use of the property, taking into 11 consideration any applicable judicial limitation, local or 12 state land use regulation, current zoning limitation, 13 variance, or historic preservation ordinance, and considering 14 any moratorium imposed by executive order, law, ordinance, 15 regulation, resolution, or proclamation adopted by any 16 governmental body or agency or the Governor when the 17 moratorium or judicial limitation prohibits or restricts the 18 development or improvement of property as otherwise authorized 19 by applicable law. The applicable governmental body or agency 20 or the Governor shall notify the property appraiser in writing 21 of any executive order, ordinance, regulation, resolution, or 22 proclamation it adopts imposing any such limitation, 23 regulation, or moratorium; 24 (3) The location of said property; 25 (4) The quantity or size of said property; 26 (5) The cost of said property and the present 27 replacement value of any improvements thereon; 28 (6) The condition of said property; 29 (7) The income from said property; and 30 (8) The net proceeds of the sale of the property, as 31 received by the seller, after deduction of all of the usual 4 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 and reasonable fees and costs of the sale, including the costs 2 and expenses of financing, and allowance for unconventional or 3 atypical terms of financing arrangements. If When the net 4 proceeds of the sale of any property are used utilized, 5 directly or indirectly, in determining the the determination 6 of just valuation of realty of the sold parcel or any other 7 parcel under the provisions of this section, the property 8 appraiser, for the purposes of such determination, shall 9 exclude any portion of such net proceeds attributable to 10 payments for household furnishings or other items of personal 11 property. 12 Section 4. Section 195.052, Florida Statutes, is 13 amended to read: 14 195.052 Research and tabulation of data.--The 15 Department of Revenue shall conduct constant research and 16 maintain accurate tabulations of data and conditions existing 17 as to ad valorem taxation, shall annually publish such data as 18 may be appropriate to facilitate fiscal policymaking, and 19 shall annually make such recommendations to the Legislature as 20 are necessary to ensure that property is valued according to 21 its just value and is equitably taxed throughout the state. 22 The data published must include the annual percentage increase 23 in total nonvoted ad valorem taxes levied by each municipality 24 and county and information concerning the distribution of ad 25 valorem taxes levied among the various classifications of 26 property, including homestead, nonhomestead residential, new 27 construction, commercial, and industrial properties. The 28 published data must also include the previous year's adopted 29 millage rate, the current year's millage rate, and the current 30 percentage increase in taxes levied above the rolled-back 31 rate. At a minimum, the data must be published on the 5 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 department's website and on the websites of all property 2 appraisers of this state, if available. Publication must shall 3 occur within 90 not later than 60 days after receipt of 4 extended rolls for all counties pursuant to s. 193.122(7). 5 Section 5. Section 200.069, Florida Statutes, is 6 amended to read: 7 200.069 Notice of proposed property taxes and non-ad 8 valorem assessments.--Pursuant to s. 200.065(2)(b), the 9 property appraiser, in the name of the taxing authorities and 10 local governing boards levying non-ad valorem assessments 11 within his or her jurisdiction and at the expense of the 12 county, shall prepare and deliver by first-class mail to each 13 taxpayer to be listed on the current year's assessment roll a 14 notice of proposed property taxes, which notice must shall 15 contain the elements and use the format provided in the 16 following form, and include the address of the county 17 government's official Internet website. Notwithstanding the 18 provisions of s. 195.022, a no county officer may not shall 19 use a form other than that provided herein. The Department of 20 Revenue may adjust the spacing and placement on the form of 21 the elements listed in this section as it considers necessary 22 based on changes in conditions necessitated by various taxing 23 authorities. If the elements are in the order listed, the 24 placement of the listed columns may be varied at the 25 discretion and expense of the property appraiser, and the 26 property appraiser may use printing technology and devices to 27 complete the form, the spacing, and the placement of the 28 information in the columns. A county officer may use a form 29 other than that provided by the department for purposes of 30 this part, but only if his or her office pays the related 31 expenses and he or she obtains prior written permission from 6 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 the executive director of the department; however, a county 2 officer may not use a form the substantive content of which is 3 at variance with the form prescribed by the department. The 4 county officer may continue to use such an approved form until 5 the law that specifies the form is amended or repealed or 6 until the officer receives written disapproval from the 7 executive director. 8 (1) The notice must shall read as follows: 9 10 NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAXES 11 DO NOT PAY--THIS IS NOT A BILL 12 13 The taxing authorities that which levy property taxes 14 against your property will soon hold PUBLIC HEARINGS to adopt 15 budgets and tax rates for the next year. 16 The purpose of these PUBLIC HEARINGS is to receive 17 opinions from the general public and to answer questions on 18 the proposed tax change and budget PRIOR TO TAKING FINAL 19 ACTION. 20 Each taxing authority may AMEND OR ALTER its proposals 21 at the hearing. 22 23 (2) The notice must also shall further contain 24 information applicable to the specific parcel in question. The 25 information must shall be in columnar form. There shall be 26 five column headings which shall read: "Taxing Authority," 27 "Your Property Taxes Last Year," "Your Taxes This Year IF 28 PROPOSED Budget Change is Made," "A Public Hearing on the 29 Proposed Taxes and Budget Will be Held:", and "Your Taxes This 30 Year IF NO Budget Change is Made." 31 (3) There shall be Under each column heading there 7 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 must be an entry for the county; the school district levy 2 required pursuant to s. 1011.60(6); other operating school 3 levies; the municipality or municipal service taxing unit or 4 units in which the parcel lies, if any; the water management 5 district levying pursuant to s. 373.503; the independent 6 special districts in which the parcel lies, if any; and for 7 all voted levies for debt service applicable to the parcel, if 8 any. 9 (4) For each entry listed in subsection (3), there 10 shall appear on the notice the following must appear on the 11 notice: 12 (a) In the first column, a brief, commonly used name 13 for the taxing authority or its governing body. The entry in 14 the first column for the levy required pursuant to s. 15 1011.60(6) shall be "By State Law." The entry for other 16 operating school district levies shall be "By Local Board." 17 Both school levy entries must shall be indented and preceded 18 by the notation "Public Schools:". For each voted levy for 19 debt service, the entry shall be "Voter Approved Debt 20 Payments." 21 (b) In the second column, the gross amount of ad 22 valorem taxes levied against the parcel in the previous year. 23 If the parcel did not exist in the previous year, the second 24 column must shall be blank. 25 (c) In the third column, the gross amount of ad 26 valorem taxes proposed to be levied in the current year, which 27 amount is shall be based on the proposed millage rates 28 provided to the property appraiser pursuant to s. 29 200.065(2)(b) or, in the case of voted levies for debt 30 service, the millage rate previously authorized by referendum, 31 and the taxable value of the parcel as shown on the current 8 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 year's assessment roll. 2 (d) In the fourth column, the date, the time, and a 3 brief description of the location of the public hearing 4 required pursuant to s. 200.065(2)(c). 5 (e) In the fifth column, the gross amount of ad 6 valorem taxes which would apply to the parcel in the current 7 year if each taxing authority were to levy the rolled-back 8 rate computed pursuant to s. 200.065(1) or, in the case of 9 voted levies for debt service, the amount previously 10 authorized by referendum. 11 (f) For special assessments collected utilizing the ad 12 valorem method pursuant to s. 197.363, the previous year's 13 assessment amount must shall be added to the ad valorem taxes 14 shown in the second and fifth columns, and the amount proposed 15 to be imposed for the current year must shall be added to the 16 ad valorem taxes shown in the third column. 17 (5) The amounts shown on each line preceding each 18 entry for voted levies for debt service must shall include the 19 sum of all ad valorem levies of the applicable unit of local 20 government for operating purposes, including those of 21 dependent special districts (except for municipal service 22 taxing units, which must shall be listed on the line for 23 municipalities), and all nonvoted or nondebt service special 24 assessments imposed by the applicable unit of local government 25 to be collected utilizing the ad valorem method. 26 (6) Following the entries for each taxing authority, a 27 final entry must shall show: in the first column, the words 28 "Total Property Taxes:" and in the second, third, and fifth 29 columns, the sum of the entries for each of the individual 30 taxing authorities. The second, third, and fifth columns 31 shall, immediately below said entries, must be labeled Column 9 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 1, Column 2, and Column 3, respectively. Below these labels 2 shall appear, in boldfaced type, the following statement must 3 appear: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR EXPLANATION. 4 (7) The notice must also shall further show a brief 5 legal description of the property and the name and mailing 6 address of the owner of record. 7 (8) The notice must also shall further read: 8 9 Market Assessed Exemp- Taxable 10 Value Value tions Value 11 Your Property 12 Value Last 13 Year $......... $......... $......... $......... 14 Your Property 15 Value This 16 Year $......... $......... $......... $......... 17 18 If you feel that the market value of your property is 19 inaccurate or does not reflect fair market value, or if you 20 are entitled to an exemption that is not reflected above, 21 contact your county property appraiser at ...(phone number)... 22 or ...(location).... 23 If the property appraiser's office is unable to resolve 24 the matter as to market value or an exemption, you may file a 25 petition for adjustment with the Value Adjustment Board. 26 Petition forms are available from the county property 27 appraiser and must be filed ON OR BEFORE ...(date).... 28 29 (9) The reverse side of the form shall read: 30 31 EXPLANATION 10 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 2 *COLUMN 1--"YOUR PROPERTY TAXES LAST YEAR" 3 This column shows the taxes that applied last year to your 4 property. These amounts were based on budgets adopted last 5 year and your property's previous taxable value. 6 *COLUMN 2--"YOUR TAXES IF PROPOSED BUDGET CHANGE IS MADE" 7 This column shows what your taxes will be this year under the 8 BUDGET ACTUALLY PROPOSED by each local taxing authority. The 9 proposal is NOT final and may be amended at the public 10 hearings shown on the front side of this notice. 11 *COLUMN 3--"YOUR TAXES IF NO BUDGET CHANGE IS MADE" 12 This column shows what your taxes will be this year IF EACH 13 TAXING AUTHORITY DOES NOT INCREASE ITS PROPERTY TAX LEVY. 14 These amounts are based on last year's budgets and your 15 current assessment. The difference between columns 2 and 3 is 16 the tax change proposed by each local taxing authority and is 17 NOT the result of higher assessments. 18 ASSESSED VALUE means: 19 For homestead property: value as limited by the State 20 Constitution; 21 For agricultural and similarly assessed property: 22 classified use value; 23 For all other property: market value. 24 25 *Note: Amounts shown on this form do NOT reflect early payment 26 discounts you may have received or may be eligible to receive. 27 (Discounts are a maximum of 4 percent of the amounts shown on 28 this form.) 29 30 (10) The bottom portion of the notice shall further 31 read in bold, conspicuous print: 11 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 2 "Your final tax bill may contain non-ad valorem 3 assessments which may not be reflected on this 4 notice such as assessments for roads, fire, 5 garbage, lighting, drainage, water, sewer, or 6 other governmental services and facilities 7 which may be levied by your county, city, or 8 any special district." 9 10 (11)(a) If requested by the local governing board 11 levying non-ad valorem assessments and agreed to by the 12 property appraiser, the notice specified in this section may 13 contain a notice of proposed or adopted non-ad valorem 14 assessments. If so agreed, the notice shall be titled: 15 16 NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAXES 17 AND PROPOSED OR ADOPTED 18 NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS 19 DO NOT PAY--THIS IS NOT A BILL 20 21 There must be a clear partition between the notice of proposed 22 property taxes and the notice of proposed or adopted non-ad 23 valorem assessments. The partition must be a bold, horizontal 24 line approximately 1/8 -inch thick. By rule, the department 25 shall provide a format for the form of the notice of proposed 26 or adopted non-ad valorem assessments which meets the 27 following minimum requirements: 28 1. There must be subheading for columns listing the 29 levying local governing board, with corresponding assessment 30 rates expressed in dollars and cents per unit of assessment, 31 and the associated assessment amount. 12 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 2. The purpose of each assessment must also be listed 2 in the column listing the levying local governing board if the 3 purpose is not clearly indicated by the name of the board. 4 3. Each non-ad valorem assessment for each levying 5 local governing board must be listed separately. 6 4. If a county has too many municipal service benefit 7 units or assessments to be listed separately, it shall combine 8 them by function. 9 5. A brief statement outlining the responsibility of 10 the tax collector and each levying local governing board as to 11 any non-ad valorem assessment must be provided on the form, 12 accompanied by directions as to which office to contact for 13 particular questions or problems. 14 (b) If the notice includes all adopted non-ad valorem 15 assessments, the provisions contained in subsection (10) may 16 shall not be placed on the notice. 17 Section 6. Truth in spending.--For the purpose of 18 providing truth in spending, local governments shall 19 electronically post all revenues received and all expenditures 20 made on the local government's official website if one is 21 available, or on the county government's official website in 22 all other cases. For the purpose of this section, the term 23 local government includes counties, municipalities, school 24 districts, water management districts, and any special 25 district that has authority to levy ad valorem taxes or non-ad 26 valorem assessments. By October 1, 2007, the Department of 27 Revenue shall develop a uniform format that permits local 28 governments to produce and report revenue and expenditure data 29 on a substantially similar basis and that is highly comparable 30 among the local governments. The uniform format must contain 31 the standard categories of revenues and expenditures used by 13 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 local governments in the annual financial report submitted to 2 the Department of Financial Services under s. 218.32, Florida 3 Statutes. 4 (1) The local governments shall begin electronically 5 posting all revenues received and expenditures made during the 6 previous fiscal year in a format that is accessible without 7 charge to any individual who has Internet access using 8 standard web-browsing software and in accordance with the 9 following schedule: 10 (a) By December 31, 2009, and annually thereafter, any 11 county, municipality, or school district that has a population 12 of 300,000 or more on April 1, 2007, as reported by the Office 13 of Economic and Demographic Research under s. 186.901, Florida 14 Statutes, and all water management districts. 15 (b) By December 31, 2010, and annually thereafter, any 16 county, municipality, or school district that has a population 17 of at least 50,000 but fewer than 300,000 on April 1, 2007, as 18 reported by the Office of Economic and Demographic Research 19 under s. 186.901, Florida Statutes. 20 (c) By December 31, 2011, and annually thereafter, any 21 county, municipality, or school district that has a population 22 of fewer than 50,000 on April 1, 2007, as reported by the 23 Office of Economic and Demographic Research under s. 186.901, 24 Florida Statutes, and all special taxing districts, 25 independent taxing districts, and any other taxing authority 26 created by state law, a political subdivision, or referendum. 27 (2) The local governments shall also prepare a summary 28 report of all revenues and expenditures electronically posted 29 which shall be made available to the residents within the 30 jurisdiction of the respective local government by mail, 31 newspaper advertisement, or in an electronic format posted on 14 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 the appropriate website in accordance with the following 2 schedule: 3 (a) By February 1, 2010, and annually thereafter, the 4 local governments subject to paragraph (1)(a). 5 (b) By February 1, 2011, and annually thereafter, the 6 local governments subject to paragraph (1)(b). 7 (c) By February 1, 2012, and annually thereafter, the 8 local governments subject to paragraph (1)(c). 9 Section 7. Transparency in local government 10 budgets.--For the purpose of providing transparency in local 11 government budgets, each local government shall provide 12 electronic access to its budget information. For the purposes 13 of this section, the term local government includes counties, 14 municipalities, school districts, water management districts, 15 and any special district that has authority to levy ad valorem 16 taxes or non-ad valorem assessments. Not later than the date 17 the notice of proposed property taxes and non-ad valorem 18 assessments required under s. 200.069, Florida Statutes, is 19 mailed, the local government shall electronically post its 20 anticipated revenues, proposed budget, and tentative millage 21 rate on the local government's official website, if one is 22 available, or on the county government's official website in 23 all other cases. Within 10 days after the adoption of the 24 budget, the local government shall electronically post its 25 adopted budget and millage rate. All county government 26 official websites shall have a link to the websites of local 27 governments within the county's jurisdiction. 28 Section 8. Transparency in local government 29 contracting.--For the purpose of providing transparency in 30 local government contracting, local governments shall 31 electronically post all contracts that are public records on 15 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 the local government's official website, if one is available, 2 or on the county government's official website in all other 3 cases. For the purposes of this section, the term local 4 government includes counties, municipalities, school 5 districts, water management districts, and any special 6 district that has authority to levy ad valorem taxes or non-ad 7 valorem assessments. School district employment contracts are 8 exempt from this section. The contracts shall be posted in 9 accordance with the following schedule: 10 (1) By November 1, 2007, any county, municipality, or 11 school district that has a population of 300,000 or more on 12 April 1, 2007, as reported by the Office of Economic and 13 Demographic Research under s. 186.901, Florida Statutes, and 14 all water management districts, shall electronically post 15 contracts of $25,000 or more executed on or after October 1, 16 2007. 17 (2) By November 1, 2008, any county, municipality, 18 water management district, or school district that has a 19 population of at least 50,000 but fewer than 300,000 on April 20 1, 2007, as reported by the Office of Economic and Demographic 21 Research under s. 186.901, Florida Statutes, shall 22 electronically post contracts of $15,000 or more executed on 23 or after October 1, 2008. 24 (3) By November 1, 2009, any county, municipality, or 25 school district that has a population of fewer than 50,000 on 26 April 1, 2007, as reported by the Office of Economic and 27 Demographic Research under s. 186.901, Florida Statutes, and 28 all special taxing districts, independent taxing districts, 29 and any other taxing authority created by state law, a 30 political subdivision, or referendum, shall electronically 31 post contracts of $5,000 or more executed on or after October 16 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03
Florida Senate - 2007 PROPOSED COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Bill No. CS for SB 560 Barcode 491708 593-2324C-07 1 1, 2009. 2 Section 9. By January 31, 2008, staff of the Senate 3 and the House of Representatives shall conduct a study and 4 submit a report to the President of the Senate and the Speaker 5 of the House of Representatives relating to the administrative 6 process for appealing property tax assessments provided in 7 part I of chapter 194, Florida Statutes. Staff shall conduct 8 the necessary research and shall develop detailed 9 recommendations for legislation to improve the accessibility, 10 fairness, efficiency, and disclosure of all levels of this 11 process, including recommendations relating to forms, manuals, 12 guidelines, training materials, checklists, other types of 13 documentation, training activities, and taxpayer outreach at 14 all levels of the appeal process. 15 Section 10. The sum of $50,000 in nonrecurring funds 16 is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the 17 Department of Revenue for costs incurred in assisting 18 legislative staff in gathering, compiling, and analyzing data 19 needed to prepare the report reviewing the administrative 20 process for appealing property tax assessments. 21 Section 11. This act shall take effect July 1, 2007. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 17 12:29 PM 04/12/07 s0560c1p-ft00-c03