
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 674PART II COLLECTION OF ITEMS: DEPOSITARY AND COLLECTING BANKS 674.201Status of collecting bank as agent and provisional status of credits; applicability of chapter; item indorsed “pay any bank.” 674.202Responsibility for collection or return; when action timely. 674.204Methods of sending and presenting; sending directly to payor bank. 674.205Depositary bank holder of unindorsed item. 674.2091Encoding and retention warranties. 674.2101Security interest of collecting bank in items, accompanying documents, and proceeds. 674.2111When bank gives value for purposes of holder in due course. 674.2121Presentment by notice of item not payable by, through, or at a bank; liability of drawer or indorser. 674.2131Medium and time of settlement by bank. 674.2141Right of charge-back or refund; liability of collecting bank; return of item. 674.215Final payment of item by payor bank; when provisional debits and credits become final; when certain credits become available for withdrawal.