112.311Legislative intent and declaration of policy.
112.3122Enforcement and penalties for constitutional prohibition against lobbying by a public officer.
112.3124Enforcement and penalties for constitutional prohibition against lobbying by a former justice or judge.
112.313Standards of conduct for public officers, employees of agencies, and local government attorneys.
112.3135Restriction on employment of relatives.
112.3136Standards of conduct for officers and employees of entities serving as chief administrative officer of political subdivisions.
112.3142Ethics training for specified constitutional officers, elected municipal officers, commissioners of community redevelopment agencies, and elected local officers of independent special districts.
112.3144Full and public disclosure of financial interests.
112.31445Electronic filing system; full and public disclosure of financial interests.
112.31446Electronic filing system for financial disclosure.
112.3145Disclosure of financial interests and clients represented before agencies.
112.31455Collection methods for unpaid automatic fines for failure to timely file disclosure of financial interests.
112.3148Reporting and prohibited receipt of gifts by individuals filing full or limited public disclosure of financial interests and by procurement employees.
112.31485Prohibition on gifts involving political committees.
112.3149Solicitation and disclosure of honoraria.
112.3151Extensions of time for filing disclosure.
112.3173Felonies involving breach of public trust and other specified offenses by public officers and employees; forfeiture of retirement benefits.
112.3185Additional standards for state agency employees.
112.3187Adverse action against employee for disclosing information of specified nature prohibited; employee remedy and relief.
112.3188Confidentiality of information given to the Chief Inspector General, internal auditors, inspectors general, local chief executive officers, or other appropriate local officials.
112.3189Investigative procedures upon receipt of whistle-blower information from certain state employees.
112.31895Investigative procedures in response to prohibited personnel actions.
112.320Commission on Ethics; purpose.
112.321Membership, terms; travel expenses; staff.
112.3215Lobbying before the executive branch or the Constitution Revision Commission; registration and reporting; investigation by commission.
112.32151Requirements for reinstitution of lobbyist registration after felony conviction.
112.32155Electronic filing of compensation reports and other information.
112.3217Contingency fees; prohibitions; penalties.
112.322Duties and powers of commission.
112.324Procedures on complaints of violations and referrals; public records and meeting exemptions.
112.3251Citizen support and direct-support organizations; standards of conduct.
112.326Additional requirements by political subdivisions and agencies not prohibited.
112.3261Lobbying before water management districts; registration and reporting.