The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes
CHAPTER 628628.906Application requirements; restrictions on eligibility of officers and directors. 628.907Minimum capital and net assets requirements; restriction on payment of dividends. 628.908Surplus requirements; restriction on payment of dividends. 628.909Applicability of other laws. 628.910Incorporation options and requirements. 628.912Discounting of loss and loss adjustment expense reserves. 628.913Captive reinsurance companies. 628.914Minimum capitalization or reserves for captive reinsurance companies. 628.9141Incorporation of a captive reinsurance company. 628.9142Reinsurance; effect on reserves. 628.915Exemption from compulsory association. 628.918Management of assets of captive reinsurance company. 628.919Standards to ensure risk management control by parent company. 628.920Eligibility of licensed captive insurance company for certificate of authority to act as insurer.