683.02Meaning of term “legal holidays” as used in contracts.
683.08Gasparilla Day, legal holiday in Hillsborough County.
683.09DeSoto Day, legal holiday in Manatee County.
683.10Grandparents’ and Family Caregivers’ Day.
683.11Law Enforcement Appreciation Day and Law Enforcement Appreciation Month.
683.115Law Enforcement Memorial Day.
683.12Parade Day, Hillsborough County.
683.13State observance of national day of mourning.
683.17Parents’ and Children’s Day.
683.18Save the Florida Panther Day.
683.19Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Good Friday; designation as legal holiday by chief circuit judges.
683.195Florida Jewish History Month.
683.23Florida Missing Children’s Day.
683.231Citizen support organization for Florida Missing Children’s Day.
683.24Florida Alzheimer’s Disease Day.
683.325Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day.
683.331Child Welfare Professionals Recognition Day.
683.333Foster Family Appreciation Week.