
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 1003PART V SPECIALIZED INSTRUCTION FOR CERTAIN PUBLIC K-12 STUDENTS 1003.51Other public educational services. 1003.52Educational services in Department of Juvenile Justice programs. 1003.53Dropout prevention and academic intervention. 1003.55Instructional programs for blind or visually impaired students and deaf or hard-of-hearing students. 1003.56English language instruction for limited English proficient students. 1003.57Exceptional students instruction. 1003.571Instruction for exceptional students who have a disability. 1003.5715Parental consent; individual education plan. 1003.5716Transition to postsecondary education and career opportunities. 1003.572Collaboration of public and private instructional personnel. 1003.573Seclusion and restraint of students with disabilities in public schools. 1003.574Video cameras in public school classrooms; pilot program. 1003.575Assistive technology devices; findings; interagency agreements. 1003.576Individual education plans for exceptional students. 1003.58Students in residential care facilities.