
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 1002PART VI SCHOOL READINESS PROGRAM 1002.82Department of Education; powers and duties. 1002.84Early learning coalitions; school readiness powers and duties. 1002.85Early learning coalition plans. 1002.86School readiness program; education component. 1002.87School readiness program; eligibility and enrollment. 1002.88School readiness program provider standards; eligibility to deliver the school readiness program. 1002.89School readiness program; funding. 1002.91Investigations of fraud or overpayment; penalties. 1002.92Child care and early childhood resource and referral. 1002.93School readiness program transportation services. 1002.95Teacher Education and Compensation Helps (TEACH) Scholarship Program. 1002.96Early Head Start collaboration grants. 1002.97Records of children in the school readiness program. 1002.995Early learning professional learning standards and career pathways.